
Trust & Confidentiality

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Fiduciary services will vary based on your personal needs. From daily money management to court-appointed conservatorships, fiduciaries provide a wide array of services which can include, but are not limited to, the following:

Life Mapping

We help you gather and organize all the pieces of your life, such as financial, real estate, legal, and personal information, into one easy-to-access document. All the information about your estate, as well as the day-to-day aspects of your life, will be together for you and your family. The process includes several one-on-one meetings and in-depth conversations.

Estate and trust administration

Whether we are closing an estate or actively administering a trust, we make sure that everything is managed smoothly and according to your wishes. This can include identifying all assets and liabilities, collecting income and paying expenses, tax planning and filing, and reporting and fiduciary accounting.

care research

When the time comes for a family member to transition from independent living, we research the best options available to meet the client’s needs. We also assess the current home situation to see if changes can be made to allow your family member to continue living in their home independently. Handrails, lighting, outside services, non-slip surfaces, step-in tubs are examples of changes that could be made to make a home safe for independent living.

FINANCIAL management

We provide daily money management services (paying bills & balancing accounts) as well as facilitate home repairs, income tax preparation and evaluating insurance needs.

PERSONAL assistance

We can make regular wellness visits, arrange medical visits and transportation as well as other personal appointments - haircuts, shopping, financial advisors.

representative payee

When designated by the Social Security Administration or other retirement plans, we receive the income and pay the expenses for an incapacitated family member or friend.

Healthcare advocate

If you or a family member need support while navigating the healthcare system, or need someone to accompany you to doctor appointments or lab tests, we are there to take notes and make sure all your questions are answered.


We can be appointed by the courts to be the conservator of the estate and/or the person of a family member who is no longer able to manage care independently. In the case of a minor, we can be appointed as guardian by the court. In all cases, we work with our client’s best interests in mind and for their benefit.

surviving spouse assistance

Following the death of a spouse there are many necessary changes, tasks and deadlines to attend to. We help the surviving spouse manage these details in the following ways: applying for benefits, creating budgets, inventorying assets and liabilities, and making necessary notifications to various agencies and financial institutions.